
Southpac Financial Services Pty Ltd, its principals, directors, associates, agents and employees have made every effort to accurately prepare and present the information and / or products on this website, together with the various additional resources therein. The information, products or resources are in essence informational materials that are provided to you and that you use in accordance with these Terms of Use. They are provided to you for your personal use only, so as to assist, entertain, inform, train and encourage you in the pursuit and success of your project, goal, endeavour or fact finding.

There is no guarantee that any of these materials or resources will provide you, or advance you in any way towards obtaining any particular aspect, level of success or goal. The level of change or success that you may, or will achieve, depends entirely on the time you devote to the materials, as well as your ideas and various skills and your application of any of the ideas, techniques and resources that may be provided herein or made available to you, by us. Since these factors differ greatly between individuals, we cannot guarantee your success, or achievement, nor are we responsible for any of your actions.

The materials and resources that we provide to you, either on this website, or contained within any of our various products or resources, are not intended to be provided to you as advice or as a solution to any particular aspect or circumstance and as such, should only be used by you as a guide, in assisting with the various aspects of any of our products or programs. You should always seek individual personal advice from a properly accredited person. We do not purport these products, materials or resources to be a guarantee that you will succeed in any aspect whatever, including income enhancement.

Materials in our products, website, information and resources, may on occasions use words such as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “intend”, or other words or terms with similar meaning in connection with levels of success, certain outcomes, satisfactory information, income potential or similar. These may be considered forward looking statements in relation to forecasts, future events or in connection with our general views. Any or all of such forward looking statements, whether in our materials, products, information, website and resources, are only intended to express our opinions about such aspects or potential. Owing to the many important and varied factors involved, we make no guarantee of your actual results, or that you will achieve any results, arising from, or using any of our materials, resources and products, or the techniques, ideas and methods within such materials.

By accessing and / or using our materials, information, resources, website and products, you agree to abide by the Terms of Use stated herein by Southpac Financial Services Pty Ltd, which shall include any Disclaimers, Disclosures, Copyright and Compliance information, as may elsewhere be stated on this website. Further, all such afore stated information is provided to you only on this basis. We wish you every success and trust that we can inform and assist you in your endeavours.

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Any information that we collect about you is used by us to process any order you may place and to provide you with a personalised experience for any shopping you may choose to do with us.

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On certain occasions when you place an order with us, or subscribe to one or more of our services, we may collect other information about you, in addition to your name and primary email address. This may include your full residential address, your phone number and your full name. This information is collected by us and provided by you on a voluntary basis and will be used by us to process your order requests and enhance your shopping experience, in addition to us being able to provide further information that we believe may be useful to you.

From time to time, we may display third party advertising on this site and these ads may take the form of both text and graphical ads, as well as video. Sometimes these third parties may use “cookies”, which are very small programs placed on your computer and designed to recognise you and personalise any service to you. When you click on any of these ads, they may automatically collect the IP (internet protocol) address of your computer, as well as browser and operating system type. This information may also be collected if you sign up or opt-in to any of our offers, services or newsletters and reports. Further, when you click on the ads that may be placed on this site by a third party on behalf of an advertiser, you should always check and read the advertiser privacy policies, as we are not responsible in any way, for their policies, content or products.

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By using our website or requesting or signing up for any of our offers, you are consenting to the collection of this information by Southpac Financial Services Pty Ltd for the purposes stated above. Should we decide to change this Privacy Policy, we will post the changes to this page, so that you will always be aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we disclose it.

All information on this web site is the 2015 copyright of the site owners, Southpac Financial Services Pty Ltd and all rights are reserved.

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This site may contain various products logos, trademarks and / or product reviews and in so doing may mention names of websites, corporations or individuals. Where such is the case, those names, logos, trademarks and sites are the property (real or otherwise) of their respective owners and this website is not and does not claim to be associated with them in any way. Further, this website is not and does not claim to be agents of any of them and does not purport to act in any way on their behalf. Such logos, names, trademarks and the like are provided on this website only for the purpose of identification of the product or service.

From time to time this website may advertise, review, recommend or suggest certain products or services that in our view may be of interest to you.

This website and / or it’s principals, may have some ‘material connection’ in respect of any product or service mentioned, in that we may receive a fee or commission should you purchase the product or service through a link on this website. Whilst this is not always the case, you should assume that it is the case, as it is not always apparent that a fee or commission may be earned. Further, this website may receive a fee if you click on an advertisement, image or link

We mention this, as it is the policy of this website to provide a full disclosure to you and in so doing, we comply with those regulations that may be relevant. In any event, you should always take the position of checking and researching the product or service, not only to ensure that it is suitable for your needs, but also in regards to the price that you may or are willing to pay.

Further, this website does not warrant or guarantee that any product or service will be suitable for you or is available from a link on this website at the lowest price. It is your responsibility to conduct the appropriate enquiries in this regard. Should a refund period be offered by the principal of the product or service, then that is where you must go in the event of a claim, as we take no responsibility in regard to any third party promise, irrespective of the circumstances.

The materials and resources that we provide on this website, are for information only and are provided on an “as is” basis. It is not intended to provide you with any advice or solution about any particular aspect or circumstance and as such, any information should only be used by you as a guide. We do not purport these products, materials or resources to be a guarantee of any kind. We do not provide any warranties, express or implied in regards to same, and any action you take is solely at your own risk.

From time to time we may advertise, review, suggest, recommend or provide reports on various products or services. In no way should any of these be considered as an endorsement of any such product and / or service or a guarantee that such product or service will meet or meets a particular quality or level. As such, any purchase or use by you of any such product or service is a decision made solely by yourself and at your own risk and responsibility

Southpac Financial Services Pty Ltd, its principals, associates, agents and employees do not accept any liability of any nature whatsoever, including any consequential claims, for any outcome or result that may occur or happen, whether or not any of the materials, products and resources provided or mentioned herein were used or misused.

As such content, information, materials and resources are provided on an “as is” basis, on this website herein, your use of same is at your own risk and is without any warranties of any kind, expressed or implied and Southpac Financial Services Pty Ltd disclaims all warranties, including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability for fitness for any particular purpose. Further, we do not assume any liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions of any content herein on this website.

In all circumstances, the maximum collective liability of Southpac Financial Services Pty Ltd, its principals, directors, employees, associates and agents to any other party for damages for any and all causes whatsoever shall be limited to and not exceed $50. This shall be the maximum remedy to any and all such parties, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort or otherwise.

Further, under no circumstances will Southpac Financial Services Pty Ltd be liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on the content or information contained herein and it is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of such, by seeking the appropriate advice or opinions thereto.

Further, Southpac Financial Services Pty Ltd, it’s principals, directors, employees, associates and agents will not be liable for any incidental, special, consequential, direct, indirect, punitive, exemplary or any other damages, including but not limited to any loss of income, revenue, pain, suffering, emotional distress or similar, arising from or relating to the materials, content, information, products and services contained herein on this website, even if Southpac Financial Services Pty Ltd has been advised of the possibility of such damages and notwithstanding the failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy.
